
The invention of SurePulse inserts

From a conversation with a farm vet about the fact that the only thing that damages a cows teats is milking machinery came the innovation of the SurePulse Insert. A simple device with dramatic results. There are lots of different liners on the market today but SurePulse is the only insert. A mechanism that displaces the air inside the shell to minimise the vacuum pressure on a cows teats, allowing it a longer recovery time between pulsations.

Add to that a triangular liner and you get a more comfortable more productive milking experience for you herd and your shed.

But cows don't have triangle teats ?!#?

The Triangular liner was a totally new concept in milking but it didn't take long for it to grab hold. The improvements in milking and teat health, especially when combined with the inserts, make compelling reading. The ability of the liner and insert to deliver crisp pulsation with increased rest time created a harmony within the milking process. Documented trials have shown the dramatic improvement in teat health improvement without any other treatment.

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